
Lucky Chukwu

Brings ideas to life with code! ✨

Frontend Developer. Creative Developer. Adventurist. Goal-driven. Software Engineer in progress

  Available      June 20th

  HTML. CSS. Javascript. React Js. React Native. Python.

Howdy! 👋

I'm Lucky. The Creative Frontend Developer Extraordinaire that thrives on bringing ideas to life with code!

From the very beginning, I have been captivated by the artistry and technical finesse required to create beautiful and functional websites. The journey as a frontend developer began with a thirst for knowledge, eagerly immersing myself in the realms of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React Js and Python. Through countless hours of practice and continuous learning, I have honed the skills to transform static wireframes into immersive digital experiences.

With a passion for innovation and an eye for design, I have established myself as a prominent figure in the world of frontend development. Armed with a deep understanding of user experience and a knack for crafting visually stunning interfaces, they have made a lasting impact on the digital landscape.

As an ardent advocate for seamless user interactions, I have consistently pushed the boundaries of frontend development. I have a keen understanding of responsive design principles, ensuring that every website or application I develop is accessible across various devices and screen sizes. The ability to merge functionality and aesthetics is truly remarkable, captivating users with intuitive interfaces that keep them engaged.

But it's not just about aesthetics for me. I possess an innate curiosity to stay up to date with the latest industry trends, tools, and frameworks.

Reach out and say "Hey!". I look forward to hearing from you!

Stay awesome!

I build & design stuff

Open source projects and web projects

TechSTEPS Limited

Personal Website

When you create a substantial amount of content, it becomes challenging to stay updated on every aspect. To make things easier, I've compiled a collection of links to various creations and projects I've been involved with or personally created.

Latest posts

I engage in extensive writing, and I'd like to share with you a selection of my latest posts.

Becoming a Front-End Developer in 2023

July 2023

Playing video on raspberry pi

May 2016

How to shutdown a system through your computer

Feb 2016

How to install Sublime Text 2 for Noobs

Feb 2016

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